Take a good look friends, at who you were when you got called into this life. I don't see many of the "brightest and the best" among you, not many influential, not many from high-society families....Everything that we have - right thinking and right living, a clean slate and a fresh start - comes from God by way of Jesus Christ. That's why we have the saying, "If you're going to blow a horn, blow a trumpet for God. (Excerpts from 1 Cor. 1:29-31, The Message)

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Come On Ring Those Bells...

Dwayne, Sherri Summers and Family
Scott, Wendi Adair and Family

Light the Christmas Tree....

      Jesus is the King....Born for you and me!
             Merry Christmas Everyone!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Using Christmas Symbols to Share the Meaning of Christmas in Japan

Have you ever found a long lost file or box in your house that took you on a nostalgic journey to the past?

That happened to me recently.  As we unpacked our decorations this year, I came across an old bag stuffed full of Christmas symbols, advent books and carols translated into Japanese. I had gathered all these things to teach a Christmas Class when I lived in Japan 21 years ago.  Flipping through the contents brought back floods of memories.

In the days long before google and instant information it was a treasure trove of information so I guess I chose to hold on to it just in case I forgot it when it came time to teach my own children one day.

I debated whether or not to share it with you.  The meanings behind the Christmas symbols are pretty easy to find these days but I thought this might get our wheels turning about different ways that we could use them to open conversations about Christ.

Take mistle toe, for example.   Did you know that it has a long history associated with healing?  So it is a reminder of the healing power of Christ and the ultimate healing He offers to us through the Cross. 

I recently found another interesting thing mistle toe represents on this Christmas Symbols website.

"MISTLETOE: Mistletoe is an aerial parasite that has no roots of its own. It lives off the tree to which it attaches itself and, without that tree, it would die. Mistletoe is a Christmas symbol of our love which derives from and exists only because God loves us. God, Who is Love, created us in love and caused us to be able to love. Christians are humbled before these words of St. John the Evangelist: “God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God and God abides in him” (1 Jn. 4:16). Just as mistletoe may not acknowledge the tree which sustains it, so people may not acknowledge that the love of God sustains them. But if mistletoe were taken from the tree and any person removed from God’s love, both would die. (From penitents.org)"

That thought made me also think of John 15:5 and how dependent we are on Christ for anything eternal. (That could open all kinds of good conversations)

Then of course, there is the most familar modern day custom of Mistletoe - which I purposely omitted while living in Japan as a single:)

You'd be surprised at how sharing some of these meanings can open the way to some conversations about Christ and what He offers us.

And the way seems all the more open when its done gently and winsomely.  I have seen some well meaning believers sabotage their message by their means of delivery. We can scream and yell at people to keep 'Christ in Christmas' and give them the evil eye when they start to deviate, but lets face it, if they don’t know Him, why would they care if they kept Him central to the season? Wouldn’t it be more effective to come alongside someone and unveil the treasure we have in Him so they can see His worth with their own eyes?

That is really what inspired me to start a Christmas Class all those years ago in Japan. There were so many people celebrating Christmas without really knowing why. If you are wondering why a predominantly Buddhist country would even bother to celebrate Christmas,  the answer is quite simply that it was a huge money maker. The majority of Japanese didn’t have a clue about the meaning of Christmas, but boy did it bring in the yen.
Sad, because that path leads to such emptiness.

I wanted to do something about it but honestly, the task seemed overwhelming.   I felt so small in the sea of Japanese people and the lie sprouting in my brain was that I had nothing significant to offer.

If it were just me offering empty philosophies that would be true. BUT a person in partnership with the Lord does have something significant to offer, because of Him.  It doesn’t have to be big. He doesn’t need our ‘bigness’; He is big enough.  But His eyes do search for those willing to join Him in what He is already up to. Whether that's in Japan or North Carolina.

For me, one of the small things He invited me to do in Japan was to put together this Christmas class where I shared everything I knew  about the meaning of Christmas and its symbols to anyone who wanted to come and learn.

I started to post it all here but then I realized that it is all available on the internet now.  If you google "Christian meaning of Christmas symbols" you will have enough information at your fingertips to become an expert on the season.  (Where oh where was google back when I was digging up all this stuff the old fashioned way?)

My first group was just a small one,  like this, (first picture below) gathered around my table.  (and side note...boy did the Japanese have some great tables. The underside was heated so everyone stuck their feet under the cloth to warm them up) Then another group that wanted to learn. (middle photo). Then they asked if I would teach it to some of their friends. (bottom photo)

Which of course I was delighted to do. 

It amazed me how open the Japanese were to learning about Christmas.  They would come in  droves to hear about this holiday they were already celebrating but didn't know why.  It was like a wide open door to a normally closed audience. I felt a little like the Apostle Paul at Mars Hill explaining that Christ was the "unknown God" they were already worshipping. 

And they drank it in.

Then I taught it to these sweet young middle school girls. (Top photo) And then the next group (middle photo), and even my littlest students.
(That adorable 6 year old girl was my youngest student. I was thinking today how she is probably in her late 20's and possibly even married with her own family. I wondered if she remembered anything about the Christmas Class and if so, if she is passing it on to her own family)

Only God knows if anything lasting ever came of it and I know I have to be content to leave such things in His hands.  But I can say this,  I had a blast participating with God in this venture and whenever I talk to my own kids about the symbolism behind the Christmas decorations I can't help but see some sweet Japanese faces in the background of my mind.

Finding this Christmas bag has sort of reissued an old challenge in my life to get outside my comfort zone and love on some people who don’t know Him and to share some things about Him and Christmas that maybe they just plain don’t know. Not shout at them, just share.

What has He invited you to particpate with Him in this season? 

Nothing is too small or too insignificant if He has put it in your heart to do.  Who knows what a difference it might make in someone's life. 

(If you are interested in hearing more of the story of what led me to start this Christmas class in Japan I have included an article I wrote about the experience while living there. I was trying to motivate some of my expatriate friends to join me in doing  something)
                     Glitter and Gold
   (Reflections on Christmas in Tokyo Dec. 90)

It was a warm December afternoon and I was walking the crowded streets of Tokyo with my Japanese friend. We were window shopping as our pockets could only afford, and admiring the Christmas decorations

I was amazed at how the Japanese had caught on to this phenomenon of decorating for Christmas, and like most things done in Japan, the decorations were rich. There were large Christmas trees, wreaths, elegant lights strung up and an oversized inflated Santa Claus suspended from the top of a train station. There was even a Christmas tree made of diamonds displayed prominently in a store known for its jewels.
A large poster in a department store window caught my eye. From a distance it looked like a nativity scene. My friend and I squeezed through the crowd for a better look. The picture was of a magnificently decorated cathedral with a spotlight on the front platform. The stage had small figurines that looked like shepherds and wisemen standing on it. I stood staring at the picture, sifting through the colors in search of the substance. In the top corners of the picture were angels making an announcement which was written in Japanese. I wondered what kind of message would be displayed on a picture that resembled a nativity scene. Intrigued, I asked my friend to translate. Squinching her eyes, she searched for the English words to communicate that the angels were announcing the dates for the Grand Finale Christmas Sale.

Disappointed, I stared again at the picture. The bright colors that had initially caught my attention seemed dimmer now. In fact, the picture looked empty, there was no manger, no baby Jesus, just a lot of glitter without any gold. "Where...." I mumbled as I looked for the missing parts. My friend quietly pressed my question, "Where’s what?" she asked. "Is something missing from the picture?"

Christmas in Tokyo is much like this picture. On the outside, rich and elaborate. On the inside, empty. Stop someone on the street and ask the reason for Christmas. The response could be anything from attending elegant Christmas dinner shows to exchanging Christmas cakes.

As I (and later my friend) observed, Jesus, or any evidence of Him, has been thoroughly removed from the picture. The gold of the celebration goes widely undetected. Only the glitter can be seen.

How is it that the glamour of the season has been passed to Japan unaccompanied by the message that on this day a baby was born to redeem the nations?

One cannot blame the Japanese for their portrayal of Christmas. It is quite likely those who have traveled abroad and observed Christmas have brought it back exactly as they saw and experienced it. Empty materialistic Christmas’ abound in the United States. But haven’t they transgressed that way gradually from a once Christ centered Christmas? It seems that in Japan, Christ has been removed from the start. Perhaps this is because the customs are passed by those who intentionally eliminate Jesus from the picture. Or perhaps some of us who know the message have chosen a silent complacency over sharing the treasure we hold.

For a Christian, the season is rich because Christ remains central in the celebration. Thus the decorations, the symbols and even the word "Christ-mas" signify a deeper meaning.

For the overwhelmingly majority of Japan, the depth of Christmas lies in the copiously decorated shopping districts, ritsy dinner shows and diamond Christmas trees. A facade, lacking substance because its significance of the symbols and the Truth they represent is unknown.

As believers in country with 99% non-believers, we have a tremendous opportunity this season to offer something substantial to replace the emptiness, to put Jesus back into the center of the Christmas picture. We have the chance to make plain that which has been hidden, to share our knowledge of the unsearchable riches of Christ. To not do so would be to hoard a treasure that was meant to be given away.

It is a jewel that we have to offer Japan...a jewel far more precious than diamond Christmas Trees. 

Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!
2 Corinthians 9:15

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Contemplating Christ at Christmas

Christmas. There is much to love about it. And when Christ is the center, the season spills over with wonder and joy as we contemplate his coming to us.

Below is an excerpt that I hope with all my heart you will take the time to read. I didn't find it on my own but came across it through a seminary student who manage to dig it up from the fourth century (329-390). Please don’t let the antiquity of it stop you from uncovering the sparkling jewel you will find if you are willing to blow off the dust. It is not a hard read but if it grips you the way it did me it will cause you to push your desk chair back and worship.

For that reason it is so perfect for this season!

Read and be blessed. Then press the pause button on all the other demands and relish the One it speaks of. Without Him there would be no reason to celebrate.

The Mystery of the Incarnation: A Scriptural Tapestry of Jesus as Man and God by Gregory of Nazianzus
"He was baptized (Matt. 3:13) as man, but he destroyed sins (Matt. 9:6) as God; he himself was not in need of purifying rites, but [he was baptized/he came] that he might sanctify the waters. He was tempted (Matt. 4:1) as man, but he conquered as God; not only this but he even encouraged [us] to be courageous, since he had conquered the world (John 16:33). He was hungry, but he fed thousands (John 6:10); not only this but he is indeed life-giving and heavenly bread (John 6:51). He was thirsty (John 4:7; 19:28), but he shouted, "If anyone thirst, let him come to me and drink" (John 7:37); not only this but he also promised that those who believe would gush forth [with water] (John 7:38). He was tired (John 4:6), but for those who are tired and heavy laden he is rest (Matt. 11:28). He was heavy with sleep (Matt. 8:24), but he is light upon the sea; not only this but he even rebukes winds; not only this but he even makes Peter light when he is sinking (Matt. 14:25, 29; Matt. 8:26). He pays tax, but [he does so] from a fish (Matt. 17:24-27); not only this but he is even king of those demanding [the tax]. He hears himself called a Samaritan and demon-possessed (John 8:48), but he saves the one who went down from Jerusalem and fell among robbers (Luke 10:30); not only this but he is even recognized by demons (Mark 1:24; Luke 4:34) and drives out demons (Matt. 8:16), and he sinks a legion of spirits (Luke 8:33) and sees the ruler of demons falling like lightning (Luke 10:18). He is stoned, but he is not caught (John 8:59). He prays (Matt. 14:23; 26:36; Heb. 5:7), but he hears [prayers] (Acts 7:59). He weeps (John 11:35), but he causes tears to cease. He asks where Lazarus [is laid] (John 11:34), for he was man, but he raises Lazarus (John 11:43), for he was God. He is sold, and very cheaply, for [it was] for thirty silver coins (Matt. 26:15), but he buys back the world, and [it was] for a great price, for [it was] for his own blood (1 Pet 1:18-19). He was led as a sheep to slaughter (Isa 53:7), but he shepherds Israel, and now, indeed, the whole inhabited world (John 10:11). [He is] silent like a lamb (Isa 53:7; Matt. 26:63), but he is the Word (John 1:1), being proclaimed by a voice of one shouting in the desert (John 1:23). He has been weakened, wounded, but he heals every disease and every infirmity (Isa. 53:5). He is lifted up upon the tree (John 12:32), he is fixed [to it] (Acts 2:23), but he restores by the tree of life (John 6:51); not only this but he saves even a robber crucified with [him] (Luke 23:43); not only this but he darkens everything that is seen (Luke 23:44). He is given cheap wine to drink (Luke 23:36), he is fed bile (Matt. 27:34). Who? The one who changed the water into wine (John 2:1-11), the destroyer of the bitter taste (Heb. 2:9), the [one who is] sweetness and all desire (Song 5:16). He hands over his life, but he has authority to take it again (John 10:18); not only this but the curtain is torn apart (Matt. 27:51); for the things above are exhibited (Cf. Rev. 11:19; 15:5) not only this but rocks are split; not only this but dead are raised beforehand (Matt. 27:51-52). He dies, but he makes alive, and by death he destroys death. He is buried, but he rises. He goes down into Hades (1 Peter 3:18-19), but he brings up souls; not only this but he goes up into heaven; not only this but he will come to judge the living and the dead . . . "

Jesus...have you ever known anyone else so fiercly compelling?

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God . . . In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
John 1:1; 4-5 ESV.

 (The above selection is Gregory’s Oration 29.20. The English translation of this selection comes from A Patristic Greek Reader (Peabody, Massachusetts: Hendrickson, 2007), 244-246 by Rodney A. Whitacre.)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thank you Cindy and Denise!

The Autumn Bible Studies have come to and end and I just wanted to take a minute to thank these two ladies for heading them up.

This is Cindy Fikes with her 2 little ones.  Aren't they the cutest things?  I asked Cindy if she would step in and lead the evening study this semester and despite her own busy schedule of home schooling and raising a family she willingly stepped forward.  I loved catching a glimpse of her heart along the way.  Her attitude, desire to serve, and affection for those she served often reminded me of Paul's words to the Philippians...

" It is right for me to feel this way about all of you, since I have you in my heart; for whether I am in chains or defending and confirming the gospel, all of you share in God's grace with me.  And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight...."Philippians 1:7,9

And those words from Philippians also perfectly fit Denise too.  She lead the morning study.  The more I know Denise the more I love her.  You can't bump into her without getting a warm hug and a encouraging word.  How blessed we are to have these two gals in our midst along with a plethora of others who serve alongside them.

By the way did you notice the necklace Denise is wearing?

And there it is again on Paula (who also helped  with the morning study). 


Below is a little from Denise about the study and the meaning of the necklace.....

(From Denise)
It has been a week and a half since our last Bible study ended, and I am still praising my Savior for who He is and all He has done. We were all truly Gripped By the Greatness of our God.  We opened our study by asking  that, “He our Teacher will no longer hide Himself, but our eyes will behold our Teacher. (Is 30:20) We learned that His going forth is as certain as the dawn”(Hos 6:3). That “you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all of your heart,… I will be found by you” (Jer 29:13-14)- all this spoken to us by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!!

We had a glimpse into the heavenly throne room through Isaiah’s vision in Ch6, “I saw the Lord sitting on the throne, high and lifted up and the train of His robe filled the temple.” And we heard as the angels cry out to one another continually, “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of Hosts, the whole earth is full of His glory”. Against this back drop of His holiness we saw Isaiah cry “woe is me I am a man of unclean lips” – as we all cry out- Lord save us, we are a sinful people. Next, the angel took a burning coal from the altar and touched Isaiah lips saying, “your iniquity is taken away, your sins are forgiven.”  We saw how God’s holiness demanded that sin be paid for and then how His love compelled Him to pay the price Himself. James MacDonald says, “A true glimpse of God in all His holiness will rock your world to the core, and that holiness is character before it ever is conduct.” 1Peter 1:16 the Lord our God says, “You shall be holy for I AM holy”. A phrase from Beth Moore is, “It matters how we live”.

The last thing I want to share is about His awesomeness. We looked at Deut 10:17 “The Lord your God is the God of gods and the Lord of lords, the great the mighty, and the awesome God.” During this week one of the names we studied was El Shaddai, translated God Almighty, the God of the mountains.  In small group Paula Hennie shared when you look at a mountain from a distance it has little impact until you get nearer.  Then, its size is magnificent and the detail so much more clear. In the same way if we only look at our God from a distance we miss His grandeur and all that can be seen and learned, what He so long to show us. How are you looking at Him today??

There was so much more I could share but know when you see the ladies wearing their necklaces with the 3 interlocking “G”s (which we thank Carol Skogen for making), ask them how they have been Gripped by the Greatness of our God!

Worship Him with this closing song.

Pretty cool, eh? More studies will be coming early next year so watch here for details and make plans to hop in one.  We'd love to have you there!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Ms. Team: Eleventh (and second to last) Post

Sorry to be a day late on this one girls. I knew Monday was going to be a slam dunk busy day so my brain said to my self "better get this ready Sunday night." But my self ignored my brain (anybody else got that problem?) and sure enough Monday was the impossibly busy day I expected it to be. When my self finally hit the pillow late last night without accomplishing this post, my brain wanted to sing that "I told you so" jingle but self just shut all systems down (ears, brain and all) and went directly to sleep.  Self is sorry.

This week marks the second to last Ms.Team post. Its hard to believe that this journey started almost a full year ago. It's sort of bitter sweet, because I will miss doing this alongside you, but girlfriend, I am completely hooked on memorizing Scripture. So for me the journey continues. I hope it continues for you too. There’s just nothing like the Word of God and the dividends it has paid have been explosive. Far greater than I ever hoped or imagined.  It’s one of those rare good habits that has been formed in me  this year that I want to keep. (because I have lots more in my life that needs the kind of 'fixin' that Scripture Memory elicits)

I do, however, have another group idea in mind for 2012 that I will be sharing with you soon.  I hope  it will have the same effect of spurring us on to know Christ and His Word better and maybe even help develop more good habits in us that we will carry on beyond the year.

Ironically, I learned something interesting about "blogging" from a women’s leadership conference that I attended last month. As it turns out, Monday is the all time worst day for blog traffic. Everyone hits the day running and blogs are visited the least amount on Mondays. So the advice was to not do anything interactive on Mondays. Interesting, huh? Made me wonder what other huge faux pax’s I have committed along the cyber-way.  I’m not necessarily looking for massive traffic but this new adventure that I want to invite you to join me on for the year 2012 will most likely be on a day other than Monday. (Cyber challenged, yes, but not unteachable).

Okay here’s what I got....(one of my personal goals for 2012 that I'm getting a jump on now is to commit a whole book to memory so my verses this time will reflect the beginning of that challenge.)
James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes scattered among the nations: Greetings. Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.
But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.
That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord;
he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does. James 1:1-8

Looking forward to seeing what you are working on....and know I am cheering you on from this side of cyber-space, hoping you will hear it loud and clear on your side!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Women Helping Women....Look Who I Saw at the Reindeer Run!

Every year The Center For Women hosts a Reindeer Run.  It is a blast and a great way to kick off the Christmas season and help the center as they go about helping many women and babies in need.

The weather was perfect this year and the anticipation was high as we sung "Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer" before the whistle blew and set the racers to running.

The serious runners usually break out of the box first.  If they weren't so lightning fast you might have seen some of our own ambitious runners like Sue Gray and Veresa Myers.
But since they eluded my camera at take off here they are at a pace I can frame.  Sue is on the left, Veresa is on the right and Veresa's daughter who also particpated is in the middle.  What you don't see in this photo is their decorated necks with their first and second place metals that they won in their divisions.  Not only did they run to help the Center for Women...they also ran as "Team Compassion" for Compassion International.  Whew!  Go girls!

Metta was one of those girls that was registered for the 3K walk but then decided to make the rest of us 3K walkers look bad by doing the 5K walk instead (in just about the same amount of time.)  Metta has a tender heart for the cause of the Center for Women so it was not a surprise to find her out there.

I know ya'll know Denise.  She was a volunteer and a walker.  She joined me and my 6 year old son on the 3K walk.  We thought we were going to have to drag him along but something inside him snapped when the announcer said "go" and we had to practically run the whole way just to keep up with him.  He was tickled to get a metal (and we were equally tickled to finally be done chasing him).  The Center is always so generous to give all particpants 12 and under metals which makes it such a proud day for all the kids.

And of course the lovely Mrs. Paula Hennie was there volunteering too.  She is a "major league" volunteer for the Center of Women.  For as long as we have been doing this race we know we can always expect to see Paula there spreading lots of cheer as she helps with all the technicalities.  This year one of her jobs was handing out all the metals to the kids and I suwannee she had a swarm of them around her for a very long time!  But she hung in there and patiently got a metal to each one of them.  If ever you want to find a way to help or volunteer at the Center for Women Paula would be a good one to connect with.

There were more racers that you might know , like Erin Drew, Tysha Owens and her son.  They always look like the fast-flying racers that they are  ~(a little intimidating to the rest of us...not counting Sue and Veresa of course.) I regret that I didn't get their pictures. 

And here is my family.  The Reindeer Run (which was the Jingle Bell Jog when we first started) has been a part of our Christmas tradition since we moved here 6 years ago. We look forward to it every year. 

And I'd be remiss if I didn't mention all the decorations they swept up too. Guess my title shouldn't be "women helping women" because plenty guys joined the cause as well.

What a fun day.  Come on out and join us next year.  It's always the same day as the twilight festival.  I'd love to post your smiling face here too....that is...if you are "catchable".   And if you are catchable, trust me, despite my "strict training" and my attempt "to run in such a way to get a prize" almost everyone out there is faster than me so you won't have to worry about being last (or the only one "un-decorated")

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.
Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.
1 Corinthians 9:24-26 (NIV)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Mom to Mom

Thanks for coming to Mom to Mom today ladies and sharing some of your family Christmas traditions!  Thanks also for your insightful comments about parenting struggles and solutions!

And a big thanks goes out to you, Jolena, for leading us through the story of the birth of Christ and why the Virgin birth is such a vital part of the story and the Gospel.

Parenting is not for sissies so keep your focus on Christ and don't give up on the hard days. "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."  Galatians 6:9

See ya next time!

If you'd like more information about Mom to Mom or if you'd like to be on the email list alerting you to upcoming meetings please contact Jolena Cantrell or Trudy Pierron